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ignite embers | prevent wildfires | light bonfires


The common, dominant idea about conflicts: they are unwanted, negative, painful and difficult. And that's where the shoe pinches, because this viewpoint implies many limitations. Just like fire, a conflict offers the opportunity for both destruction (forest fires, burns, etc.) and opportunity (heat, light, food, etc.).


A positive attitude towards conflict is crucial to be able to act appropriately. When we see conflict as something negative, we jump into primal flight or fight mode as soon as it surfaces. And then we miss opportunities... Only if we adopt a more conscious attitude - where we see conflict as a source of both destruction and growth - will we discover the choices we have.


If you further extend the fire metaphor, you can discover all kinds of dynamics and tools with which you can extinguish and fan the fire in a controlled manner. For example, water can both extinguish a fire and create a flash fire. Some fires are extinguished by cutting off oxygen, others with chemicals. As we focus on which paths lead to productivity and opportunity rather than destruction, we also discover different options for managing conflict.

Emberd helps individuals, teams and organizations to consciously and connectively deal with conflict, through individual coaching programs and tailored in-company group coaching.

Bridge Over River


People differ tremendously: different interests, backgrounds, personalities, views, beliefs, etc. In organizations where several people collaborate, it is not surprising that conflicts arise. If these conflicts are viewed in too restrictive and negative terms, they quickly escalate and emotions run far too high, with all the undesirable consequences that entails. Emberd supports companies to develop employees and managers into conflict-savvy people who see conflicts as opportunities. ​​


Possible topics(not limited to) fit for in-company conflict management group coaching:​

  • Learning to recognize underlying dynamics of conflicts.

  • Acquire more knowledge and insights about conflict escalation.

  • Develop insight into different conflict styles and the situations in which they are appropriate.

  • Awareness of one's own interests and of the interests of other employees and the organization.

  • See conflicts in time and learn to prevent escalation (or learn to warm them up).

  • Gain a better insight into the role of the manager in conflict situations.

  • Becoming more conflict-savvy (through self-reflection, self-management, result-oriented communication, metacommunication, assertiveness, ...).

  • Exposing and understanding undercurrents (of unexpressed needs, emotions and ideas) in communication with the other party, both in yourself and in the other(s).

  • Learning to communicate in a connecting and conscious manner.​


"Conflict engenders fire, the fire of affects and emotions, and like every other fire it has two aspects, that of combustion and that of creating light."

Carl Gustav Jung


Individual coaching programs, in-company group coaching and a combination of both are possible. Are you still in doubt? No problem!

I start with a needs analysis to get to know you/your organization and at the same time capture your needs and wishes. Based on this, I develop a fully tailored program proposal. In this way I optimally link the individual and/or group coaching to your professional context and to recognizable, realistic situations. For example: leadership, change processes, conflict skills as a core competency, dismissal, conflicts of interest, power conflicts, social-emotional conflicts, ...

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